Amateur Radio

Internal and external LNA tests IC-9700

Some test with the internal LNA (P.AMP) of the IC-9700 and external LNA. What combinations will give the best SNR? Note that all tests are done without any type of professional equipment – only by looking at the waterfall and listening with my ears.

I have used my VHF and UHF yagis and external LNAs Mini-2 and Mini-70 mounted just below the antennas. I have aprox. 16 meters of high quality LMR-400 cables between the IC-9700 and antennas/LNAs.

VHF – beacon SK1VHF at 144.447 MHz

Without internal P.AMP and external LNANot possible to hear beacon
With only internal P.AMPPossible to hear beacon
With both internal P.AMP and external LNABetter SNR but needed to reduce RFGain to get good SNR
With only external LNABest SNR! No need to reduce RFGain.

Note on VHF: The difference between using both internal P.AMP + external LNA and only external LNA is not huge, but is clearly audible.

UHF – beacon SK1UHF at 432.405 MHz

Without internal P.AMP and external LNANot possible to hear beacon
With only internal P.AMPPossible to hear beacon
With both internal P.AMP and external LNABetter SNR but needed to reduce RFGain to get good SNR
With only external LNABest SNR! No need to reduce RFGain.

Note on UHF: Almost the same result as VHF, but the external LNA gives better result and SNR compared to VHF.


If you do not have an external LNA it is mandatory to use the internal P.AMP on the IC-9700 for very weak signals.
If you have a good external LNA mounted close to the antenna it is best to turn off the internal P.AMP to get best SNR.

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